Barry Kienzle
Past events
Baker Hunt Art and Cultural Center
Barry will speak about his publishing experience with Headline Books, an independent publisher, with Baker Hunt's Creative Writing class this Fall session at Baker Hunt Art & Cultural Center. Classes (Mondays 7-9 p.m. in Round Room) begin September 26 To register for the Creative Writing 8-week course at Baker Hunt, click on this link to register http://bakerhunt.org/creative-writing-2/ or call Teresa at (859) 431-0020. Go to www.bakerhunt.org for more information.
The Baker Hunt Art and Cultural Center in Covington has been instructing youths and adults of the region for over 90 years. Offering over 40 courses and workshops, their instructors are highly skilled and offer a unique opportunity for those wishing to experiment and practice drawing, painting, photography, yoga, dance and other numerous artistic and cultural outlets and endeavors for both the beginner and the most accomplished.
Young Adult Author Fest
October 22, 2016 from 1 – 5 pm
Lloyd Memorial High School | 450 Bartlett Ave. | Erlanger, KY 41018
Barry will be one of the local authors at the Young Adult Author Fest sponsored by Kenton County Public Library. See the Libraries and Schools link on the Events page for more information!
West Virginia Book Festival
October 28-29, 2016
Charleston, WV Civic Center
At the annual West Virginia Book Festival, the Marketplace is where you will find book sellers, publishers, individual authors and other literary vendors. Here, you can purchase books to be signed by Festival authors, meet local authors and find a variety of books and book-related items. Barry will be at the booth with his publisher, Headline Books. http://wvbookfestival.org/
Kentucky Book Fair
November 5, 2016 from 9am – 4:30pm
Frankfort Convention Center | 405 Mero St. | Frankfort, KY
The Kentucky Book Fair connects readers and authors in a celebration of shared passion and mutual interest: the importance and promotion of writing and reading. Each year, more than 170 local and national authors participate in the event, signing their latest books and meeting readers from Kentucky and surrounding states. Barry will have his own table at the Kentucky Book Fair and have both The Crossings and The Indian available for purchase and signing.