Christmas gifts
Books make great Christmas gifts. Visit Holiday Showcase at In books, age 11-13.
Books by the Banks
It's getting close! Books by the Banks, Saturday October 11th at the Duke Energy Center. Lots of fun for all ages. I'm one of the lucky...
Ft. Mitchell Living article
I appreciate the article on "The Crossings," in Ft. Mitchell Living's October issue. It's a nice boost going into Books by the Banks on...
Enquirer piece
Thank you, Enquirer for your piece today on "The Crossings," being recognized by the "Mom's Choice Awards."
Books by the Banks
I'm excited to have been selected to participate in Books by the Banks this year on October 11th. We're very fortunate to have such a...
Holy Cross School visit
I took some copies of "The Crossings" down to Holy Cross Elementary School today to donate to their library. It was a TBT moment to see...
Holy Cross Elementary School
I received this nice letter from Ms. Matts, the Principal ay Holy Cross School. I appreciate her enthusiam and dedication to the Holy...
Mom's Choice Award
I was pleased to learn today that "The Crossings," has been ckosen to receive A Silver Award from the Mom's Choice Awards. I am very...
Book Club Visit
Had a great time the other night at the Book Club at Ryland Lakes Country Club. I enjoyed their very enthusiastic group which is very...
Joseph-Beth Reading and Signing
Great night at Joseph-Beth Books reading and signing, "The Crossings." Thnaks to all of those who came out.